Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Chapter 8

Focus Question: How can teachers use a website or blog to improve teaching and learning?

     Teachers can use a website or blog to improve teaching and learning by allowing the students to do their homework by accessing the website or blog the teacher provided for them. Websites and blogs are becoming apparent as one of the most important things a teacher can allow their students to use. It allows teacher to communicate with their students, families, and colleagues. (Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg 236) Three basic types of education-related blogs: 1.) "official face" blogs, 2.) single-purpose blogs, and 3.) active learning blogs. Plus, teachers have the option of creating their own website or even their own classblog. There are three options a teacher has to keep in mind: 1.) a do-it-yourself option, 2.) a commercially available option, or 3.) an open source option (according to Transforming Learning with New Technology book, pg 236).        

Tech Tool link: Fact Monster

     There is a lot of great information on fact monster! Many teachers can use this website to create an imaginative virtual experience for students who are having trouble with a certain subject. There's even a homework center where students can click on any subject, and a skills section where the studetns can acquire better listening skills, studying skills, writing, and researching skills. This website has a reference desk which includes a dictionar, an almanac, an atlas, and more! It's an amazing resource! Talking about technology and how we can go to websites to help students further their academic goals, there's also blogs! Blogs are liek journal enteries, students can record homework and research which is a good way for teachers to know if their students are actually doing their work. Teachers can go to Kidblog where they can create a blog for their class! for free! Teachers can access kidblog to view their class anywhere. Thank man for technology! Here's a small tutorial on Mr. Bellow's kidblog,  showing you how to create a class blog, and the many things 'Kidblog' has to offer.

Summary & Connection:

     Chapter 8 is a chapter that points out the importance of communicating and networking with websites, blogs, wikis, and more! This chapter explains the many ways a teacher can use technology to contact students, by using computers and other technologies to share ideas and information in classrooms. Teacher can also communicate via the internet by having classroom blogs. These are 'home grown' by teachers and students working together. (Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg. 207) It's a great chapter for those of you who don't know much about creating webites or blogs. Technology is emerging everyday with new and bright ideas, so let's make sure we're all in the 'know'.


  1. Communicating through the various web tools is definitely huge! :) How would you use what you've learned in this chapter to create effective communication in your classroom? What tools did you like best? Aren't you glad you are already experiencing one of them here with your own blog?! :)
