What are intelligent tutoring systems and how can students and teachers use them successfully?
Intelligent tutors are basically computer teachers that track a student's performance in getting the correct answers. The intelligent tutors modify their teaching style based on how well or how poorly the student does and of course, on their learning needs. The tutors use a story line with characters and request feedback which should promote inquiry learning and problem solving. This system was bulit on the need to help the student become a better academic learner. It is said, that the intelligent tutor would be similar to having one teacher for very one to three students (Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg. 197) This system is effective and has shown improvement in student learning. I feel as though one day, our teachers really will be computers- it's a crazy thought, but look at how amazingly far we've come in technology. Intelligent tutoring systems is only the beginning.

Photo credited by Chris Daly from Learning Solutions Magazine
Summary & Connection:
This Chapter focuses on problem solving and using technology as a tool for learning. With so many software and web tools, we can create a dynamic form of learning that takes learning to a whole new level, especially, with the Intelligent Tutoring System, a new software program where students learn through computer responses to student actions! (Transforming Learning with New Technology, pg. 197) Children tend to have a natural attraction to things that stand out and are totally unique for them. This chapter sticks to the NETS-T Standard 1, part b where teachers "engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems" (Transforming Learning with New Technolgies pg.175) This is a cool chapter and I really enjoyed it.
Artificial intelligence is a bit scary, but it definitely will have more emphasis in the future - classrooms, too! :)
ReplyDeleteI didn't see you address a Tech Tool and did you get permission to use the photograph you used? Remember that giving attribution alone does not meet copyright.