According to "Transforming Learning with New Technologies"
- every student benefits from a wide and varied range of educational experiences that can activate his or her talents and potentials as a learner.
- Teachers are crucial gatekeepers in how learning proceeds in schools and classrooms. They either mover students forward with lively and demanding instruction or they separate students according to perceived needs and talents.
- Differentiated instruction (DI) and universal design for learning (UDL) involve changing institutional practices and classroom structures to promote learning success for every student.
Since not all students are the same, I really find it important that the differentiated instuction theory can vary and be adapted to every diverse student in the classroom. Very child should experience a sense of success in the classroom. The purpose of universal design in school is "full participation and access for students with disabilities while providing individualized options for all" (Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg 279) and (Hehir, 2005, p.99). UDL applies recent advances in the understanding of how the brain processes information to the design of curriculum that can accommodate broad student needs (Tranforming Learning with New Technologies, pg. 278) and (Rose & Meyer, 2002, 2006)
According to the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) in the Transforming Learning with New Technologies Book, has defined UDL in the following terms:
- Multiple means of representation, to give learner various ways of aquiring information and knowledge
- Multiple means of expression, to provide learners alternatives for demonstrating what they know
- Multiple means of engagement, to tap into learners' interests, offer appropriate challenges, and increase motivation. (Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg. 279) and ( Center for Applied Special Technology, 2006)
Tech Tool Link: CAST- Teaching Every Student (Click on "watch a video" and then click on "Principles of Universal Design for Learning)
At researchers have developed an organization that helps all students further their education by expanding their learning opportunites, especially for those through the Universal Design for Learning. This website is dedicated to pure education learning for every child, because they believe that every child has capability to succeed in the classroom; no child is left behind. CAST explains who they are, what they do, and what they offer. I recommend this website because it offers services and support to all learners.
Summary and Connection:
It's amazing how Transforming Learning with New Technologies Book has many links to great resources, such as CAST. Chapter 10 promotes success through experience in the classroom, to also promoting success for all students through technology ( Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg. 274) It also examines how the computer technologies expand the experience of every student in the classroom and expand their opportunites for teacher to meet the learning needs of all students. (Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg. 275). I know it's going to be a challenge for me as a future teacher in finding the time, resources, and the many tools out their necessary to engage the multiple learning styles. Im sure that each of one of my students will be able to adapt to new learning styles of their own and experience life breaking technology in the classroom!
UDL is vital for students with special needs, but it is true that it impacts all children. When you think about it, the uniqueness of all of us implies that we would all benefit from the 'personalization'! :)