Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Reflective Blog

       Education is very important and I believe that each child is a unique person who needs to grow and mature socially, physically, intellectually, and emotionally.  I also believe that my teacher Mrs. Coleman has allowed us to do just that, which is why she is such an inspiration to me.  Even though I am a grown adult, I feel as though she helped me become more socially mature, and more emotionally stable with my assignments, especially, when I when two of her classes; i felt  so behind. She gave me the chance to catch up in class and allowed me to think for myself. It's a good strategy, because in the long run no one's going to do the work for you, only you. 
       My experience in the classroom was great because it was all about technology and completing assignments in class that was fun and very time consuming. She made the effort by always giving us a tutorial on how to do certain projects. I had so much fun being able to learn about technology because this class made me realizes how much of it I had been missing out on. I learned that if you’re going to be an educator, you have to educate yourself in technology. Technology is never looking back, it’s always moving forward and we all have to grab on and go with it too or else we’ll be behind completely. Since I want to be an elementary school teacher, I learned how to make my own digital story, and I was also able to create my own website and call it Marly's Kinder Class.  I want to be able to use these resources for my future classroom! Marly's Kinder Class website has all of my assignments and projects i did for the class.  I never thought I was able to create so many things from technology.

       I learned how to use my blogger as a way to do my homework and communicate. Mentioning communication,  I believe a future teacher, communicating electronically might be good for engaging and creating productive activities. Technology is also a good way to socially network. I cannot believe that amount of students who use it for social networking and meeting new friends. I learned so many good things about technology that it really opened my eyes to a whole new level of teaching. I like the fact that im learning how to use technology so that in the future, I'll be able to teach my students about technology and give them the best experience in that classroom; perhaps they'll teach me too. 

      Here are several of my thoughts and experiences in the classroom and within the projects as well. First, the Wiki Project with my group was good. Everyone did their own assignment, but I belive because of time issues, not everyone in the group go to make their wiki page ellaborate. Very few of us in my group communicated through the wiki and even though there was barely any communication, everyone learned the new technology on their own; which was very good. Another thing I really enjoyed in the class was the assignments. Being able to create a webpage or even a story was so much fun; there was no text book, just technology.  Although, time was crucial, all the assignments were very helpful and motivational because it allowed me to think about all of the things i can do for myself through the assignements. Prof. Coleman opened a new window for me and I very grateful. All the of projects, whether it was the Collaboration Lesson Plan or the Instructional Wiki, I had a great experience. I don't recall any negative experiences, because everyone, I believe did their own part and were responsible enough to do it. All of the projects seemed very positive and I had so much fun working with my teams.  

       Technology just keeps growing and I can't believe how far we've come and in my opinion, a great teacher should always a how the importance of fun and in life. I love having fun and being able to include that in learning is why i would enjoy teaching, especially about technology; it's all the kids know! As a future teacher I want to show my students that i can have fun while getting work done. Having an ipad in the classroom or keeping them engaged in other forms of technology helps them become multitaskers and learn to stay focused. We all have to start somewhere and having these positive attributes and many more, I know will help me become a good teacher in the future. Just because this class is going to be over does not mean i am going to stop learning about technology. Im going to school for special education and I want to learn about all the technologies and new assisstive technologies coming out so that I may be able to make my students' life easier. 

     I remember coming into the classroom and starting off on a bad note, but I caught up quite quickly and Im very glad I did. This class was definitely a challenging one, but I believe the hard classes are better because they make you do more for yourself; it's a place where you earn your grade, it's just not given. Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn and focus on matters that are truly important. "Good teachers are costly, but bad teacher cost more"- Bob Talbert. This quote made me think on the importance of a good teacher, and having a positive outlook everyday in the classroom.  

                            Since technology is growing everyday, here's a cool video app below for kids using the ipad. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chapter 11 'The Final Chapter'

FOCUS QUESTION:  How can teachers and students use digital portfolios as tools for learning?
* According to Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg. 327 *

  • A digital portfolio for a teacher is an individually prepared collection of work that communicates who a teacher is and what that teacher knows and is able to do in academic subjects
  • A standards-based digital portfolio serves as a way for new teacher candidates to connect lesson plans, teaching evaluations, and other work done in the classroom to the specific professional teaching standards they are required to meet in order to earn a teacher license. 
  • The advntages of digital portfolios include easy access, ready-made portability, creative information displays, experience in developing technology skills, and sharing of information with a wider educational community.
  • The disadvantages of digital portfolios include the need for technical knowledge and skill, ongoing support, computer access, and time, as well as the possibility that style will override substance in the presentation of information. 
~This is very interesting information because teachers can actually design their teaching portfolios  in many different and creative ways. Having an e-portfolio will eliminate stress and a lot of paper work. Here's a fun video on what having an e-portfolio really means and how it can help you! and me:) 
                                                               For E-Portfolio Starters:


This website is so amazing! All you have to do is sign up and based on what you're interested in doing, even if it's just for fun, you can create your own website absolutely free! There are so many pages and themes to choose from! Since Im going into teaching, I created my own teacher portfolio online. There are also many features and wix is completely google friendly and very easy to customize. I would recommend this website for anyone who's trying to learn about the digital world to check this website out. As I was doing my reseach, I came upon this website as well called Teacher Tap, it talks about technology and electronic portfolios and even gives you some examples so you can start your own. It's a very interesting website, check this one out too!


The final chapter to this book, really reflects on all the teaching styles and creative ways to use technology. It's engaging teachers and students in learning and self- reflection that really matters. As long as we're all trying our best to understand technology, we cannot go wrong. I believe learning about technology is about exploring and not being afraid of trying something new, especially when you have to do it:) Technology is carefree and easy to be with, as long as it's not giving you a hard time. This chapter talks a lot about teachers and students on how to be active participants in evaluating and assessing their own development as learners using todays future technolog! As a future teacher I know the importance of having technology now, because our whole world is based on technology!  I know i'll have to create professional- based portfolios, presentations, and even publications so that my students can see me as role-model in learning new technology. Using technology will allow myself to participate and promote student invovelment in many ways than ever before! In my world, technology is my progression and my purpose for living an organized life.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Chapter 10

Focus Question: What are differentiated instruction (DI) and universal design for learning (UDL)?

According to "Transforming Learning with New Technologies"

  • every student benefits from a wide and varied range of educational experiences that can activate his or her talents and potentials as a learner. 
  • Teachers are crucial gatekeepers in how learning proceeds in schools and classrooms. They either mover students forward with lively and demanding instruction or they separate students according to perceived needs and talents.
  • Differentiated instruction (DI) and universal design for learning (UDL) involve changing institutional practices and classroom structures to promote learning success for every student.   

UDL Model          

Since not all students are the same, I really find it important that the differentiated instuction theory can vary and be adapted to every diverse student in the classroom. Very child should experience a sense of success in the classroom. The purpose of universal design in school is "full participation and access for students with disabilities while providing individualized options for all" (Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg 279) and (Hehir, 2005, p.99). UDL applies recent advances in the understanding of how the brain processes information to the design of curriculum that can accommodate broad student needs (Tranforming Learning with New Technologies, pg. 278) and (Rose & Meyer, 2002, 2006) 

According to the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) in the Transforming Learning with New Technologies Book, has defined UDL in the following terms:
  • Multiple means of representation, to give learner various ways of aquiring information and knowledge
  • Multiple means of expression, to provide learners alternatives for demonstrating what they know
  • Multiple means of engagement, to tap into learners' interests, offer appropriate challenges, and increase motivation. (Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg. 279) and ( Center for Applied Special Technology, 2006) 

Tech Tool LinkCAST- Teaching Every Student  (Click on "watch a video" and then click on "Principles of Universal Design for Learning)

At researchers  have developed an organization that helps all students further their education by expanding their learning opportunites, especially for those through the Universal Design for Learning. This website is dedicated to pure education learning for every child, because they believe that every child has capability to succeed in the classroom; no child is left behind. CAST explains who they are, what they do, and what they offer. I recommend this website because it offers services and support to all learners.

Summary and Connection:
It's amazing how Transforming Learning with New Technologies Book has many links to great resources, such as CAST. Chapter 10 promotes success through experience in the classroom, to also promoting success for all students through technology ( Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg. 274) It also examines how the computer technologies expand the experience of every student in the classroom and expand their opportunites for teacher to meet the learning needs of all students. (Transforming Learning with New Technologies, pg. 275). I know it's going to be a challenge for me as a future teacher in finding the time, resources, and the many tools out their necessary to engage the multiple learning styles. Im sure that each of one of my students will be able to adapt to new learning styles of their own and experience life breaking technology in the classroom!